Architecture and research office
On the initiative of Diego Barajas, originally from Bogotá, and Camilo García, from Cali, Husos was born in 2003, a technical architecture and research office that moves between Spain and Colombia. Husos also operates in the fields of gardening, urban planning with practices of social transformation and focuses on how all these areas relate to our daily lives. For example, aspects such as non-human nature, as well as those involving gender or colonial issues, among others.
Diego Barajas and Camilo García are authors of the book Urbanismos de remesas, viviendas (Re)productivas de la dispersión (Caniche Editorial, Madrid, 2017), awarded by ArtsLibris Foundation Sabadell in 2019.
His texts on architecture have been published in publications such as Volume, Bartlebooth, Domus, and Summa+, among others. Diego Barajas is also the author of Dispersion: Study of Global Mobility and Dynamics of Fictional Urbanism (Episode Publishers, Rotterdam, 2003), in which he introduces the idea of a multimedia and multiscale urbanism.